The second community voted Stuff Pack for The Sims 4 is finally here. Nifty Knitting Stuff has now been released and with it comes new skills, furniture, clothing, and more. The main features of the pack are the new rocking chair and the knitting skill, it is the latter which is the key to unlocking everything this pack has to offer.
There are several categories of create a sim outfit as well as decorative and furniture items for your home, all of which are accessible only through knitting (unless you cheat). As you level your knitting skill and progress towards the Lord/Lady of The Knits aspiration you'll unlock a wide range of knittable items. We take a look at which are the best in this ranked list.
12 Socks
First up are the socks. While we appreciate the fact that there are crew socks, low cut socks, and mid-calf socks, at the end of the day they are still socks. Most frequently thought of as something you buy as a Christmas present when you're desperate, socks are necessary but very dull.
There are several different swatches available that give some variety to the item but not even the funky mismatched swatch that is classed as a mistake can save socks from last place.
11 Mailbox Cozies
We have to hand it to the design team on this one. The intricate patterns on these mailbox cozies are truly beautiful. They are colorful, vibrant, and fun to look at. The main issue is that we still aren't sure exactly why anyone would want one.
While the colorful patterns scream yarnbombing, they also scream I will never match your external decor. Cute but impractical, these are surely only for hardcore knitting fans who want the mailman to see their skills.
10 Beanies
The bear and tiger beanies are a cute addition to the knitting lineup but just like socks, they feel quite boring. There are already beanies with cute animals on in the game as well, which adds to the feeling of sameness.
Sure these adorable hats are cute and can fit a range of ages from elder to toddler but in ranking terms, there are just so many more versatile and inspiring items.
9 Rugs
These rugs are a great size and look to be nicely textured. They match well with other items in the pack but the main reason they don't rank higher is due to the disappointing lack of swatches.
The two striped swatches are our favorite, although these have to be unlocked, the others are mostly just too bland. While they match the pack's furniture, they don't come in the most exciting range of colors, although we appreciate the versatility of the monochrome swatches.
8 Sweaters With Scarves
The sweaters with scarves are actually nice to wear and look great on most sims. However, the main reason we are ranking them here is due to them being combination items. After all this time we're still salty that scarves don't count as accessories.
In a game where you can wear a necklace, why can't you wear a scarf? Every time we see these adorable knits we can't help but wonder, will we ever see scarves as separates?
7 Poufs
These poufs are cute and colorful but once again the swatches, apart from the black and white variations, are quite niche, matching mainly with this pack and some of the more out there items from Parenthood.
However, they do get bonus points for the fact that you can actually sit on them, unlike many similar items in the game.
6 Toys
The knitted toys are truly adorable. Sims who have maxed out their knitting skill will be able to knit toys for children and toddlers to play with. Not only can you knit bears and give them to children you know but you can also gift a knitted 'Lil Grim to Grim himself.
The main reason they rank lower than decorations is that although kids can interact with them, they are very small. On shelves, they look tiny and in children's hands, you lose a lot of the details that make them so cute.
5 Decorations
If clutter is your style, this pack has you covered. As well as some decorative clutter in build and buy you can also knit penguins, cacti, llamas with cacti in them and octopuses.
Each one has up to six swatches of varying colors and is a decent size. They fit well on furniture and add some knitted color to any room.
4 Onesies
Onesies are adorable and these are no exception. While we still feel like babies are objects, being able to dress them in a cute onesie of our choosing, rather than just the default green, makes us feel better.
As an added bonus there are also some gorgeous toddler onesies, fantastic news for an age group that is particularly shunned in create a sim.
3 Hanging Plants
The hanging plants rank highly due to their incredible versatility. There are three different designs of pot and hanger and each one comes in several colors and three different lengths.
While some of the swatches are quite vibrant, there is enough variety for most simmers to be able to find something that matches their decorative style and colors.
2 Sweaters
Sweaters are sitting high on the list due to their position as a knitting staple. Knitting a sweater is a knitting rite of passage for many and one we feel is important to acknowledge.
The sweaters themselves are also versatile with a range of swatches and some even come with hidden extras. There's also a sweater curse in the game, as well as a forbidden sweater, both of which add some fun to what is essentially an important knitting item.
1 Yarny
Sitting pretty at the top of this list is Yarny from Unravelled.?He is an entirely knitted character and his inclusion in this pack is perfect. However, players will have to earn it.
The Yarny children's toy requires level 10 knitting skill, and is available in eight different swatches. Meanwhile, the Yarny on a log decorative item requires maxing out the aspiration that comes with the pack. Just make sure to keep an eye on him, he has a habit of wandering off.