Hello Kitty Island Adventure involves a lot of gathering, whether you are doing it for some sort of crafting or a one-time quest. Regardless of what you're doing, you'll probably need to seek something out. After unlocking Big Challenges, Tophat, and Wish Me Mell, you'll be able to begin a quest chain to drum up some competition on the island.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Complete Egg Pan Station Guide

The Egg Pan Station is a cooking station that you can use to make omelets in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Here's how to unlock and use it.

Magma Master is a quest that requires you to find seven little statues on Mount Hothead, called Golden Challenges. In this guide, we will take a look at where to find all seven Golden Challenges and ultimately complete Magma Master in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Requirements To Start Magma Master

To begin Magma Master, you'll just need to wait one day after completing Island Champions. If that quest is done and a day has passed, then there is nothing else that you need to do.

Once a day has passed, speak to Tophat on the beach in the Seaside Resort. After this, Tophat will head to Mount Hothead with a group of characters. Speak to Tophat here, and you'll learn what the challenge entails.

While there are no real requirements, you may have to wrap up other quests in order to begin. We initiated the quest Extreme Dancing with Pekkle, so Magma Masters couldn't be started. Thankfully, the quest was short, so we wrapped it up and officially started Magma Master.

If someone is ever busy, you can click on the details of the quest in order to see who is busy.

How To Find All Golden Challenges

Many quests involve collectibles that are present before even starting the quest. This isn't the case for Magma Master; the statues will only be present during the quest.

During the conversation on the beach of Mount Hothead, you'll learn that the challenge is to find seven Golden Challenges. These are little statues that look like Big Challenges. As with the characters in Island Champions, these statues will not be exactly marked on the map; you'll just see green circles (which are a bit hard to see on the map).

On the map above, you can check out the location of each Golden Challenges statues. It's important to note that there are more than seven statues on the map; you just need seven though. We've also noted the location of each possible statue on the table below.

Big Challenges (Number on Map)



Far left side of lower beach area.


On a rock cliff north of the previous statue.


West of the central mailbox on a cliff.

This is also right next to the Mountainside Slide challenge.


To the right of the gate entrance.

This is just south of the central mailbox.


End of Mount Hothead dock.


Left of the upper Red Hot Ruins.

From the Upper Ruins Entrance mailbox, head directly to the left (a chest is here too).


Southern rim of the Caldera.

You can get here by heading southwest from the Caldera mailbox and hopping on the rim here, and then jumping across the gap to the south section.


Right of the upper Red Hot Ruins.

From the Upper Ruins Entrance mailbox, head directly to the right.


On the rightmost side of the black, rocky terrain (also on the right of Mount Hothead).

There is a broken surfboard here too.


Inside the cave on the west side of the Hot Springs.

There is also a green chest in here with Silver Balloons inside.


Upper left-hand rim above the Hot Springs.

The statue is found on the land between the two waterfall tops.


Top of rocks that are in the far north section of the Hot Springs.

In total, there are 12 statues. After obtaining seven of them, they all seem to disappear. Here at TheGamer, we went back to an unobtainable statue after getting seven, and it was no longer there.

How To Complete Magma Master

Once you've obtained seven Golden Challenges, head back to Tophat on the beach. He'll go over everyone's totals, but unfortunately, you don't win. Even if you were allowed to get all 12 statues, you wouldn't win; Cinnamoroll somehow managed to gather a whopping 32 Golden Challenges!

With that, the quest is done! After waiting a day, you'll be able to start the next quest in the series, called Secret Haunts. For now though, you can go do something else.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure: How To Unlock City Town

Here, you can learn how to complete the quests necessary to access City Town for the first time in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.