It's no secret that Final Fantasy 14 has some of the cutest Minions in any MMO, but the same can be applied to its Mounts, which get a little less recognition regarding this subject. Now that's not to say people don't care about Mounts in Final Fantasy 14, just that the most sought-after ones are typically the ones you get from high-end Duties such as Raids or Trials.

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Mounts are a crucial aspect of Final Fantasy 14. They allow you to get around enormous areas at a tremendous pace, even allowing you to soar over obstacles if you find all Aether Currents in the region. So, naturally, having an adorable Mount carrying you from point A to point B just makes things that much more enjoyable.

10 Pinky

The Pinky Mount in Final Fantasy 14, a towering Pink Elephant with a Bunny Helmet and strings of colorful beads wrapped around its ears and back.

Pinky is a new Mount that was introduced in Patch 6.3 but is already highly sought after. We mean, what's not to love about this enormous pink elephant wearing bunny-themed headwear, stylish jewelry, and a cozy-looking rug on its back?

The color coordination alone makes this Mount stand out, but Pinky is undeniably cute, and we wish it weren't such a hassle to obtain it. Nonetheless, that doesn't impact it making the cut, especially when it looks darn adorable!

9 Miw Miisv

miw miisv mount

Strange name aside, who would have thought a celestial jellyfish that can consume an entire person would be so cute? This Mount is majestical in all the right ways, and its antennae at the top just nudge it to the side of cuteness.

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Are there cuter Mounts out there? Absolutely. But seeing a Lalafell bounce around inside this adorable space jellyfish is the entire principle of this list. Everything from its cosmic colors, bright white ring, and antennae pull together to make this faceless creature undeniably cute.

8 Mystic Panda

A Lalafell riding on the back of a Panda in front of a waterfall via the Mystic Panda Mount in Final Fantasy 14

Sure, the Mystic Panda may look like an ordinary panda, but does that matter? Look. Pandas are cute, and being able to ride atop the back of one while particles of bamboo radiate from its legs are top-tier and precisely what we're looking for in this list.

Pandas will forever be adorable, and the Mystic Panda Mount captures their essence perfectly, making anyone that's a fan of them more than happy to shell out the real-world money it costs to obtain them from the Shop.

7 Portly Porxie

A Lalafell riding on the back of a Porxie in front of large, illuminating crystals via the Portly Porxie Mount in Final Fantasy 14

For most players, the moment they laid eyes on Angelo in the Shadowbringers expansion, they instantly wanted to have the familiar as Mount or Minion. Fortunately, the Portly Porxie Mount exists, allowing you to soar the skies on a flying pig with large wing-like ears.

Portly Porxie is, hands down, one of the cutest Mounts you can obtain in the game and is worth tackling the Pixie Tribe Quests to acquire. If you are in need of a new Mount or want to snag an adorable one without opening your wallet, give the Portly Porxie the home it deserves!

6 Chocorpokkur

An Au Ra riding atop a brown colored Korpokkur via the Chocopokkur Mount in Final Fantasy 14

You may have seen similar Mounts to the Chocorpokkur, but it was likely the green Korpokkur Kolossus, which is obtainable at the Gold Saucer for a hefty 750,000 MGP. The Chocorpokkur, however, is a brown version of the Mount that was part of a Butterfinger crossover event.

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This adorable variant of the Mount is no longer available via the promotion, meaning it is impossible to obtain it unless you want to shell out lots of cash to acquire a code. With that said, this brown ball of fluff is extremely cute and may be worth the steep cost. It's not. But, almost...

5 Fatter Cat

Final Fantasy 14 Fatter Cat Mount

Speaking of paying for Mounts, meet maybe the cutest one of them all, the Fatter Cat. A plump calico cat with adorable eyelashes, rosy cheeks, and an eye for fashion. The way the Fatter Cat seemingly melts into the floor when it lays down makes it a must-have on the spot.

Despite costing real-world money, this may be the exception when it comes to throwing your money at the screen. We mean, just look at this thing. How can you deny the cuteness of this blob of fluff and style? Just as the Fatter Cat melts into its surroundings, it will melt your heart in the process.

4 Silkie

Silkie, a boss in the Sil'Dihn Subterrane.

Silkie, on the surface, is a delightful Mount that resembles a large hamster. What's not to love about it, right? However, once you learn that the actual being of this Mount is the pom on its tail, things take a violent turn into creepy town.

However, while this spells bad news for the hamster-like entity that the pom is seemingly controlling Weekend at Bernie's style, the hamster is still quite cute, and we felt leaving off the list was not an option. Still, this Mount is much creepier than it has the right to be.

3 Starlight Bear

Final Fantasy 14 Starlight Festival Bear Mount.
Final Fantasy 14 Starlight Festival Bear Mount

Stepping out of creepy town, we have a bear in a Santa outfit with the Starlight Bear Mount! While it loosely resembles the "Sleepytime Tea" bear, that's beside the point. What really matters here is how cute this bear is. And the answer is 'very.'

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Bears, by default, are cute, even if they can demolish you in a single swipe. So, when we see them dressed in festive garb and standing adorably, how can we not want it? The unfortunate news is this Mount can be yours via the Shop, but at least it isn't as much as most others.

2 Parade Chocobo

An image of a large, plump Chocobo wearing a crown. This is the Parade Chocobo Mount in Final Fantasy 14

It could be argued that this Mount is sort of mean-spirited, and we would certainly agree, but the "Fat Chocobo" has been a thing in Final Fantasy since the third installment of the series. The adorable Parade Chocobo is just carrying on the tradition.

We could do without the dangling of the Gysahl Greens in front of it to 'trick' it into moving, but the overall design of the Parade Chocobo Mount is very cute and a fun nod to the games before and after it. Nonetheless, the Parade Chocobo can be yours once you receive 3,000 Player Commendations. So, respect the bird and its crown!

1 Megashiba

A Miqo'te riding on the back of an enormous Shiba Inu via the Megashiba Mount in Final Fantasy 14

Lastly, we have one of the best additions to the game: the giant Shiba Inu Mount, a much larger version of the Mameshiba Minion that was the game for what seems like forever. The Megashiba Mount is everything we've wanted and then some.

Not only is it an oversized Shiba, which rules. But you can also emote with the Mount, allowing you to pet it, have it hop around in the most adorable way imaginable, and bark (which also sounds adorable). While this Mount is also only available in the Shop, having a towering Shiba Inu is more than enough reason to throw more money at the screen.

NEXT: Every Major Scion In Final Fantasy 14, Ranked