Looking for a way to spice up Factoio? Look no further than these game-changing mods.

Factorio is a wonderful construction and management simulator that can keep fans playing for hours on end. It’s addictive, well made, and just a joy to play. However, sometimes playing hours on end leaves you striving for something new. This is where the mods come in.

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Luckily, Factorio has a plethora of modders and mods to enjoy, all you need to do is sort through the hundreds to get to what you’re actually looking for. Luckily all the best ones are in one place. Check out the best mods in Factorio and you’re game will never be the same.

10 Squeak Through

Factorio Mod Squeak Through

One of the most frustrating parts of Factorio is the fact that you cant get through the buildings. Just to get to one place you often need to walk around the entire map!

Luckily there’s now a mod that can make your life easier and your traveling so much quicker. The Squeak Through mod allows you to travel through the sides of buildings, effectively squeezing through two structures. It’s insanely useful and will make your life so much easier.

9 Space Exploration

Factorio Mod Space Exploration

When the gameplay gets a little boring or you find you have nothing to strive towards anymore, why not try this amazing mod.

The Space Exploration mod allows you to travel the wonderful realms of space as well as build satellites and facilities that you can send up. It’s an incredible mod that adds a considerable amount of content to keep you entertained for a pretty long time if you get bored of the original gameplay, or if you just want something new.

8 Resource Spawner Overhaul

Factorio Mod Resource Spawner Overhaul

It’s really easy to stick to where you originally spawn and many players find themselves happy in the comfort of what they know. But for those who prefer to explore and see the sights, the Resource Spawner Overhaul is the mod for you.

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This mod essentially changes the spawning system into a more region-friendly one. It makes it so the regions are richer and more rewarding the further you go so it’ll certainly be promising for the explorers! It’s well worth a try even if you don’t lean towards exploring, after all, you may want to expand your empire a little more.

7 Krastorio 2

Factorio Mod Krastorio

If it’s a new challenge you’re looking for then Krastorio 2 is the mod for you. It’s multiplayer friendly so you and your friends can find and build the new tech, buildings, and energy sources that this mod brings to the game.

It adds a beautiful new art style and tries to keep the overhaul to a minimum which is perfect for those fans that want to stick to the original style of Factorio. However, this mod isn’t too friendly to others, it needs to be in a new game and on its own if you want to use it how it’s meant to be used.

6 Helmod

Factorio Mod Helmod

Helmod, at its core, is a helper mod. It isn’t designed to make your life more challenging or provide much new content. However, sometimes all you need is a little helping hand in the form of a handy overlay.

This overlay will help you plan out your factory builds as well as helping you understand what you’ll need in the future of the game. It may sound small but the Helmod mod will and can easily save you time, effort, and a little bit of sanity.

5 Factorissimo 2

Factorio Mod Factorissimo

If immersion is your aim then look no further than the Factorissimo 2 mod. It doesn't do a whole lot but will allow the builders and creators a whole load of fantastic opportunities to make their factories unique and beautiful.

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The Factorissimo 2 mod essentially allows you to construct factory buildings that you can walk and build in. It just makes it neater and a little nicer. Definitely a quality of life mod that every fan should get hold of.

4 Bottleneck

Factorio Mod Bottleneck

Similar to the likes of Helmod, Bottleneck doesn’t change the overall design of the game, nor does it change the base game itself. The Bottleneck job essentially saves you from that annoying moment when everything is working smoothly then one machine decides to not work and you spend ages trying to find out where and why.

Bottleneck helps with that and gives you a good idea as to where the problem is and why it’s not working. It’s an absolute lifesaver and should be grabbed as soon as you can.

3 Bob’s Mod

Factorio Mod Bob's Mod

Bob’s Mod isn’t really one mod, it’s a mudpack that is created by one of the most popular and best modders in Factorio. Bob has a multitude of useful and well-designed mods to choose from but also has a modpack that allows you to grab some pretty game-changing ideas.

The mudpack itself contains 19 downloads that bring anything from ores to enemies and the awesome Bobs’ Greenhouse. While you can download the whole 19, it’s worth looking through the list and seeing what ones work best for you. There’s a lot to choose from so good luck not selecting them all.

2 Angel’s Mod

Factorio Mod Angel

Along with Bob’s famous mudpack some Angel’s modpack. These two are the most successful and popular modders in Factorio and produce some incredible additions to the already wonderful construction game.

Rather than 19 mods, this pack has eight so it’s a little easier to sort through. Nevertheless, Angel focuses on the likes of storage, transit, and a popular reskin mod that many love to use.

1 Alien Biomes

Factorio Mod Alien Biomes

While many of the more popular mods focus on either complete overhauls of game mechanics or adding new aspects into the original game, the Alien Biomes mod aims to bring a more visual upgrade to Factorio.

It introduces some awesome new biomes to explore such as snow, dirt, or even a volcanic biome that looks amazing. It brings new biomes, new plants and is all in all just a wonderful addition to the game. It’s well worth getting the Alien Biomes mod.

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