October is upon us, and what better way to immerse yourself in the Halloween spirit than to spend time with the monsters and misfits of Dead by Daylight? Scary sights, terrifying monsters, and the camaraderie of facing the unknown together – if that doesn’t encapsulate the autumn mood, I don’t know what does.

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And there is rarely a better time than now to hop into the Fog: on top of daily login gifts and a heavy sale on (almost) all characters, Haunted by Daylight has returned: an alternate game mode with portals, ghosts, and sweet rewards ripe for the taking. But to claim those rewards, first you’ll need to learn about Dark Trinkets.

How To Get Dark Trinkets

The Haunted by Daylight 2024 Event Tome, page two.

To unlock all of the fabulous rewards on offer for this year’s event, you’ll need to get your hands on some Dark Trinkets. This is a special event currency that you can only earn while Haunted by Daylight is active (October 17 to November 7) and will disappear after the event ends.

You get 50 Dark Trinkets per Challenge in the Haunted by Daylight Event Tome, 250 Dark Trinkets per level completed, occasional “free” rewards of 100 Dark Trinkets, and a one-time reward of 100 Dark Trinkets for logging in anytime during the event.

All told, you can earn up to 2,950 Dark Trinkets – enough to unlock everything in the Event Collection with 750 Dark Trinkets left over.

Any Dark Trinkets left over after the event ends on November 7 will be turned into Bloodpoints, at a rate of 125 Bloodpoints per Dark Trinket.

How To Unlock Event Items

The Haunted by Daylight Event Collection for 2024

After stocking up on Dark Trinkets, you’ll need to navigate to the Event Collection page from the main menu. From there, you can spend your Dark Trinkets to unlock a variety of cosmetics, Banners, and Profile Icons.

Here’s a list of everything you can get with your hard-earned event currency:

  • Ace Visconti: Gambler Ribcage
  • Jonah Vasquez: Codebreaker Ribcage
  • Renato Lyra: Tactician Ribcage
  • Thalita Lyra: Competitor Ribcage
  • Gabriel Soma: Engineer Ribcage
  • Meg Thomas: Athlete Ribcage
  • The Artist: Sour Memory
  • The Blight: Sugar High
  • The Unknown: Sugary Twist
  • The Knight: Jawbreaker
  • The Spirit: Sweet Treat
  • The Singularity: C12H22011

But wait, there’s more! For every level of the Event Tome that you complete, you will earn one piece of this year’s Halloween Outfit for both Yun-Jin Lee and The Trickster.

  • Yun-Jin Lee: Danse Macabre Cameo
  • The Trickster: Danse Macabre Star

How To Use The Void

Meg in the Void during Haunted By Daylight 2024

If you want to reap the season’s rewards by completing challenges, you’ll need to know how Haunted by Daylight works. Each year’s event is slightly different, so here’s the scoop on the 2024 version:

At the start of the match, a Void Portal will open somewhere on the map. You can enter at any time, but it’s especially useful if you have Void Energy.

Killers in the Void are Undetectable and are alerted whenever a Survivor enters the Void. Survivors who visit the Void gain the Exhausted and Broken conditions, preventing them from healing or using certain Perks until they leave.

How To Collect Void Energy

Meg kicking a Void Pumpkin in Haunted By Daylight 2024.

Everyone can collect Void Energy by performing the following actions:

  • Collecting Void Orbs.
  • Destroying Pumpkins.

Survivors can also earn Void Energy by:

  • Repairing Generators.
  • Blinding the Killer.
  • Stunning the Killer.

And Killers can get Void Energy by:

  • Downing Survivors.
  • Hooking Survivors.

Any Void Energy earned by Blinding, Stunning, Downing, or Hooking a player is siphoned from that player’s total – if they don’t have any left, you won’t get any.

Spending Void Energy

Meg interacting with the Void Well in Haunted By Daylight 2024.

Once you have some Void Energy stocked up, you have a couple of ways to spend it. You can use it to open a Dormant Portal, turning it into a Void Portal that everyone can access for the rest of the match. This can make accessing the Void more convenient in the future, in addition to providing cross-map transportation.

Once in the Void, both Survivors and Killers can also deposit Void Energy into the Void Well. Doing so gives each side a unique reward: Survivors gain a Void Crystal that acts like a single-use smoke bomb, obscuring vision, muffling noise, and hiding your Scratch Marks.

Meanwhile, Killers gain a pair of Captured Haunts, a projectile power that travels in a straight line, damaging the first Survivor hit and causing nearby Survivors to scream.

Bonus: DbD Day Rewards

DbD Day Challenges in the Haunted by Daylight 2024 Event Tome.

You might have noticed some extra Challenges in the Event Tome that don’t give any Dark Trinkets. These are to celebrate DbD Day, a memorial day in Japan. The Japanese Dead by Daylight community has been celebrating this day since 2022, and this year Behaviour has added a variety of free cosmetics for everyone to earn.

The DbD Day Challenges will be available for the same amount of time as Haunted by Daylight, and you can unlock cosmetics for Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel, Jake Park, Yui Kimura, Adam Francis, The Spirit, and The Oni.

The Casting Of Frank Stone: How To Claim Dead By Daylight Rewards

Let's talk about how to claim those sweet, sweet rewards.