Of the three trials of the Gauntlet of Shar in Baldur's Gate 3, few feel as difficult or unfair as the Faith-Leap Trial on a first attempt - especially for those who struggle with measuring distance. With nothing to aid you but your sense of direction, it's all about a deadly trial-and-error.
Thankfully, the route to the end never changes, and there are a few sneaky methods of getting the upper hand. Prepare your Jumps, hold on to your Githyanki, and pray to Shar because you'll need all of the above if you hope to nab that final, shiny Umbral Gem.
Faith-Leap Trial Walkthrough
The Faith-Step Trial is deceptively simple. Your goal during this trial is to make it to the final platform on the far side of the room without falling off an invisible path.
The path is slightly visible before interacting with the Shar offering bowl, so try walking it first before beginning the trial, and ensure you have quicksaved before attempting this trial for the first time.
You will have three attempts to complete this trial. If you fail your third attempt and any after, falling off the path will result in the character's death.
You cannot Misty Step
Dimension Door
to cheat the trial. However, you can use Jump (the spell of the Githyanki ability) to jump in between the Shar platforms and back onto the path if you fall off. You cannot use it, however, to jump between the last Shar platform and the trial end goal. This will result in one failure.
Once you're ready, interact with the offering bowl at the trial start.
Begin on the right side of the room, stepping out in the center. Walk slightly more than halfway between the edge of the starting area and the first Shar statue.
Turn left and walk to the center of the room. Turn west (facing the end goal) and head toward the third statue, coming to a stop one square away from the platform.
Turn right and walk down the path until about one square away from the north wall. Head west (up) again and as you walk, begin walking diagonally to the right.
Follow along the north wall until past the third platform and begin heading left, taking a small, diagonal zig-zag south-westward toward the right corner pillar of your goal platform. Stop.
Turn left and take two steps. Face the goal platform and jump over to the statue. There is no direct walking path onto this platform.
Take the Umbral Gem. With it in your hands, you can now return to the beginning of the room, having completed your trial.