Dennis Moiseyev
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About Dennis Moiseyev
Dennis is a writer, storyteller, and aspiring narrative designer who graduated from the University of California Santa Cruz with a degree in Art and Game Design. His studies of game development culminated with the release of a sweet little game called Love Heist Romeo.
His favorite hobbies include reading suspenseful thrillers, watching films and television, and being immersed in the spectacular worlds of video games.
Favorite Games
What Dennis looks for in a game is its originality in mechanics and masterful storytelling quality. He approaches video games as he does with cinema, gravitating more toward A24 and other unique stories that take a different approach than standard blockbusters.
Some of his favorite games include anything from Naughty Dog, particularly Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and The Last of Us series, Alan Wake 2, the Assassin's Creed series, the Life is Strange series, Red Dead Redemption 2, Hades 2, and the BioShock trilogy.
Industry Focus
Here at TheGamer, Dennis started as a List Writer, taking his behind-the-scenes knowledge of the ins and outs of game development and creative writing to contribute to some of the most informative and relevant video game list articles for fellow gamers.
His role has since evolved into writing Explainer pieces, as well as answering Question topics, and contributing personal anecdotes when considering if certain games are worth it.
Proudest Gaming Achievement
While not much of a platinum completionist (unless it's a Telltale game), one of Dennis' proudest gaming achievements will always be finishing a game on any difficulty because the time and effort dedicated to getting there should be sufficient.

Is The Silent Hill 2 Remake Worth It?
Is the 2024 remake of Silent Hill 2 a stroke of genius, or should it be left to wither away in the fog?

11 Best Easter Eggs And Hidden Details In Silent Hill 2
There's lots of attention to detail in Bloober Team's Silent Hill 2, and these are some of the best examples!

Games To Play If You Like The Silent Hill Series
The Silent Hill series looks to be done. If you're looking for something similar then check these games out.

The 14 Best Survival Horror Games On PlayStation 5
The PS5 is a great place to fulfil your horror needs with these Survival Horror Classics.

Silent Hill 2: 11 Best Mods
"In my restless dream, I see that town. Silent Hill." That may be so, Mary, but these mods will certainly never make it the same again.

10 Best Horror Games For Couples
Nothing screams date night more than the sheer terror and anguish that these horror games bring!

Resident Evil Vs. Silent Hill: Which Horror Game Series Is Better?
Silent Hill and Resident Evil are the dominant horror series of the gaming world, but they each have their own pros.

Which Horror Movie You Should Watch Based On Your Favorite Supermassive Horror Game
Allow us to be your Curator and pick some horror films that come with near-identical themes and scenarios from Supermassive's games.

10 Horror Games With Just One Enemy
If one enemy is all you want to worry about, these horror games have you covered.

Short (But Scary) Horror Games Worth Playing
They may not take long to beat, but these short horror games are scary enough to be more than worth your time.

23 Best Horror Games Set In The Woods
The woods can be a scary place, and these are some of the best horror games set within densely packed trees.

16 Horror Games Set In A Hospital
Horror games rely a lot on their settings which is why hospitals are some of the best places to showcase some genuine terror.

Best Horror Games On The Xbox Series X|S
New and old, these games on the Xbox Series X/S pack a terrifying punch.

The Best Horror Games Set In Space, Ranked
Horror games in space offer you the best of both worlds. Here are some of the best ones, ranked.

25 Games You Should Play If You Like Baldur's Gate 3
If you like what you see from Baldur's Gate 3 so far, these great games might be just what you're looking for.

11 Most Iconic Horror Game Locations
Running scared for your life has never felt more iconic than in these horror game locations!

12 Best Horror TV Shows
If you're looking for horror that lasts a lot longer than the runtime of a film, check out some of these impeccable horror TV shows.