Seto Kaiba is one of the most eccentric billionaires in Yu-Gi-Oh! and in all of anime. Not only does he obsess over a children's card game, but he dedicates much of the series to developing technology that allows it to become the central focus of society.

Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: 10 Best Cards Used By Seto Kaiba

Here are the best cards used by Seto Kaiba in Yu-Gi-Oh!

From creating hologram technology that brings the monsters to life to hosting tournaments that take over a big chunk of city life, no feat is too big for Seto Kaiba. So what were Kaiba’s biggest flexes of his eccentric lifestyle? On the road to reclaiming his status as the top duelist in the world, there is nothing that Kaiba can’t do.

10 Using Holograms To Scare An Old Man

No Field Is Too Expensive

Kaiba summons a mon ster through holograms in Yu-Gi-Oh!

At the start of the series, Seto Kaiba seeks out all four of the Blue Eyes White Dragon cards. When he finds the final copy in the hands of Solomon Muto, he sends his goons to kidnap the old man so he can challenge him to a duel.

However, this isn’t your average duel since it takes place in one of the many duel arenas developed by Kaiba himself. A simple card game on a table would be too little for the most eccentric billionaire in Yu-Gi-Oh! Kaiba uses his holograms to get Solomon Muto to submit.

9 Taking Over Domino City For A Tournament

Going Bigger Than Duelist Kingdom

Kaiba announced the Battle City tournament in Yu-Gi-Oh!

The Battle City arc is one of the best in the original Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. However, when you really think about it, the premise of the tournament is off the walls. Kaiba buys out an entire city just for a duel monsters tournament, in which duelists can duke it out anytime and anyplace.

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Battle City isn’t an ordinary tournament. In reality, the entire event is just Kaiba’s eccentric way of challenging Yugi to a rematch. He goes all out with this tournament, including keeping the location of the finals a secret, having the semi-finals on a blimp, and even preparing an island arena for the final showdown.

8 Building The Duel Tower, Then Demolishing It

Blowing Up Bad Childhood Memories

The cast of Yu-Gi-Oh! escaping via helicopter before Kaiba blows up the Duel Tower.

Speaking of islands, Kaiba funneled his money into developing a state-of-the-art arena located on a remote piece of land far out at sea. This is the final destination of the Kaiba Corp blimp, bringing the duelists to where the final games will be played.

While this location held bad memories and was even a military base owned by his abusive father, Kaibe blows it up immediately after the tournament ends, including the very expensive tower he just funded. Luckily, a helicopter is there to take Yugi and the gang out of the blast zone.

7 Kaiba Buys A Car

Kaiba Flexes His Check Writing Skills

Kaiba twirls a pen before writing a check to buy a sports car in Yu-Gi-Oh!

While Yu-Gi-Oh! season 4 wasn’t as good as the rest, but it did give viewers some great moments. One of which is when Kaiba writes a check for a sports car. Looking for a quick mode of transportation, Kaiba and Mokuba stumble upon a car dealership and simply get into the first car they see.

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When confronted, Kaiba simply whips out a checkbook, twirls his pen, and hands the dealer a check for $500,000 before driving off. It’s all pocket change for Kaiba, and he has to be extra about it.

6 Funding Duel Academy

Teaching The Next Generation Of Duelists

An overhead shot of Duel Academy Island from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

After the events of the original series, Kaiba becomes an even more eccentric anime billionaire. One of his many projects included founding Duel Academy. As if making a card game more exciting with holograms wasn’t enough, now he wanted to make dueling a career path.

Even the structure of Duel Academy is based on Kaiba’s own preferences, with Yugi’s main Egyptian God card being the lowly Slifer Red dorms. Meanwhile, Kaiba’s signature Egyptian God would be the face of the Obelisk Blue dorms. Talk about playing favorites.

5 Sending Cards Into Space To Challenge Aliens

Invading Other Species With Card Games

Kaiba announces he plans to teach aliens how to duel in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

Before the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Kaiba makes another announcement to the world. He declares that he intends to host a card design contest where he will personally hand-pick the winners. It wouldn’t be a Kaiba moment without a twist, though.

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In fact, Kaiba also announced that the winning cards would be launched into space. This is all in an attempt to make contact with alien life to teach them how to play the card game. He does this all while ending the broadcast, laughing like an evil genius.

4 The Existence Of Kaibaman

Kaiba’s Official Self Insert

Kaibaman summons himself in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

During one of Jaden’s adventures in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX era, he comes across a duel spirit that resembles Kaiba. This includes his signature outfit, personality, and even the name Kaibaman. This spirit also uses Kaiba’s deck from the original show with a few alterations.

However, the most eccentric and self-serving aspects of this are only implied by the existence of Kaibaman as a card. This card is specifically designed to make summoning Blue-Eyes White Dragon easier, a card that only Kaiba has access to. So, essentially, Kaiba made a card that is not only his self insert but one that only benefits him.

3 Owning A Private Blue Eyes Jet

Kaiba’s Biggest Flex

Kaiba's Blue Eyes White Dragon Jet from Yu-Gi-Oh!

Kaiba wouldn’t be the same if he didn’t have a private jet that he used to fly around in. However, Kaiba goes even further by making his jet in the shape of his Blue-Eyes White Dragon. This jet has made multiple appearances throughout the show and the films.

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The Blue-Eyes White Dragon jet is one of Kaiba’s most memorable contraptions due to how cool (and silly) it is. However, it just goes to show that as long as Kaiba wants it, he can throw money at it and not care what anyone thinks.

2 Summoning Obelisk Using Pure Willpower

Even God Is On Kaiba’s Side

Kaiba pulls Obelisk out of nowhere in Yu-Gi-Oh!

In the Dark Side of Dimensions film, Kaiba funnels all of his money into resurrecting the Pharaoh. This includes digging up the Millennium Items from his tomb and reassembling the pieces to the Millennium Puzzle. He does this all just to challenge him to one final duel.

During a duel with Diva, Kaiba flexes both his willpower and net worth by summoning Obelisk through sheer willpower, snagging the Millennium Puzzle, and then making a quick getaway on his Blue-Eyes White Dragon jet. It’s just another typical day for Seto Kaiba.

1 Building A Portal To The Afterlife Over A Card Game

The Afterlife Can’t Keep Kaiba Away

Kaiba visits the Pharaoh in the afterlife for one final duel in Yu-Gi-Oh!

In the film Dark Side of Dimensions, Kaiba struggles to let go of his rivalry with the Pharaoh. So much so that he tries to force him out of the afterlife by reassembling the Millennium Puzzle. When this doesn’t work, he instead is willing to risk it all for a single card game.

He does this by building a portal to the afterlife, which is implied to be a one-way trip. He leaves Mokuba in charge of everything and then meets the Pharaoh one last time.

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