What better catalyst to talk about the stars than those who live and fight among them? Warframe come in all different varieties: healers, quick Assassin types, and bruisers who are still as fast as the rest! There is much more nuance between the various types. You get it.

Matching Your Zodiac Sign to Games

Your sign, your game. Let's go.

The astrologically inclined know what time it is: matching the warframe with their respective (or closest to) zodiac sign. We'll compare both the positive and negative traits of each sign and see where we land. Is it spot-on? Is it wrong? Let's find out.

12 Aries (March 21 - April 19)


Valkyr Prime stands against a brightly lit gold and white background.

Anger this berserker, and out come the claws. In combat, Valkyr is driven by a deep, almost feral rage that, once you learn her long-reaching backstory, is justified. When in a party with other Warframe, her anguished hysteria spreads to them, increasing their strength.

An angry Aries can declare war on you if you're the target of their ire. It doesn't typically come from a place of malice, but rather their passionate energies. Stay on their good side, and you have a lifelong friend who will always have your back.

11 Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


Rhino Prime stands against a grey, cloudy background.

The stalwart soldier. The impenetrable wall. Rhino is one of the first characters you can start the game with, and a good choice if you prefer to tank and defend your allies by absorbing the brunt of the damage. Not only that, but he will take all that might and charge directly at you with the skill Rhino Charge, leaving carnage in its wake.

Taurus signs tend to provide that same protection for anyone who'd want to harm them. However, this becomes a double-edged sword when you're trying to get to know them, as they tend to be protective of their emotions.

10 Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Wisp Prime holds her weapon in hand against a woodsy background.

Wisp exists between two dimensions: the physical, where she battles Corpus, Grineer, and the like, and somewhere beyond our understanding. She proves her mastery of manipulating both plains by becoming invisible and conjuring a spectral double of herself to confuse the enemy.

Which Metaphor: ReFantazio Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Which character from Metaphor: ReFantazio are you most like?


A lot of Gemini's misunderstandings come from the notion they are two-faced individuals because of the sign’s duality. In reality, they are highly adaptable and can handle any unexpected twists that come their way. Just be sure to help them out. Too many decisions can render them with decision paralysis if they're not careful.

9 Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


Trinity powers up her hand, while holding her weapon in the other hand.

The battlefield births both warriors and healers. Though few in between, the healers are vital for survival. But even healers need to draw blood from their enemies. Trinity blesses her allies by giving them a temporary regeneration of health and shields, while even being able to attune to the whims of life and death.

Attunement to the spiritual is Cancer's most well-known trait. They are largely empathic and can put their hearts in the chests of others and feel their pain. This vulnerability makes every negative emotion triple the pain, and will remember how you've hurt them forever.

8 Leo (July 23 - August 22)


Ember holds her sword over her shoulder, while standing against a fiery flame.

What better way to demand the attention of the entire battlefield than by using the full concentrated power of the sun? When she sets enemies aflame, her power grows stronger, and since all of her moves cause fire, and can even strip the armor of enemies with Fire Blast she's always fighting at max potential.

That's all Leo really is: burning hot potential. Anything they do, for better or worse, is going to be loud, bright, and dramatic. The spotlight must remain on Leo. If you can't handle it, any type of relationship is going to be a challenge.

7 Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


Ivara holds her bow and arrow in her hands.

If you happen to be the poor, unfortunate soul that is Ivara's target, your time is already up, you just don't know it yet. Her arrows strike true, and she can control arrows after they've been shot with her Navigator skill. Ivara is the ultimate, resourceful Queen of the Hunt.

Which Infinity Nikki Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

If you were in Miraland, who would you be?

Clean, precise, and a bit of a perfectionist, Virgo folks who don't mess around when it comes to achieving their goals. It's an admirable trait, but can often lead to tunnel vision and possibly ignoring other important things in life if they aren't actively trying to keep their work/life balance in check.

6 Libra (September 23 - October 22)


Equinox stands proudly and holds her staff in hand.

The push-and-pull of balancing energy is the reality of Equinox. There's the side of her that craves peace and calm, while the other side, the rage that fights within her, continues to be at odds with that desire. Luckily, she can channel that struggle into battle by being able to switch between the forms and either give salvation to her allies or take that rage and increase damage to enemies.

As with Equinox, all Libra want balance in their lives. They are typically willing to mediate between different parties if it brings about peace. Sometimes to their detriment, and will sometimes lead to being a doormat if you don't use caution in such dealings.

5 Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


Ash quickly dashes to the right with his signature blades in his hands.

Looks can be deceiving when you first lay eyes on Ash. He's got a bulky build, making you think he's a tank type, but as any good assassin knows: never let them see your next move. Ash is quick to teleport from place to place, can turn invisible, and can summon clones of himself to make quick and deadly work of his enemies.

Anyone who talks about Scorpio (who isn't Scorpio themselves) will hyperfocus on the sign's sensuality. But that not only scratches the surface of this sign, it's highly dismissive of their other qualities, such as their cunning intelligence and determination. Cross them, and they'll want vengeance and will wait the long con to get it.

4 Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


Zephyr takes flight in the air.

Zephyr commands the airspace over the battlefield. Due to her being less affected by gravity, she can jump higher and land softer than any other Warframe as of writing this list. Her wind-based moves launched her into the air to take advantage of the space while launching whole tornadoes to destroy anyone caught underfoot.

Which Power Rangers Team Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

The Power Rangers, with their diverse teams and missions, reflect unique traits aligned with zodiac signs.


Wind is also the element most associated with freedom and independence. You can contain water, earth, and even fire, but you can't control the wind. Sagittarius folks crave the freedom to be themselves, which can feel chaotic to more stoic, controlled signs.

3 Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


Atlas stands in the middle of fallen enemies.

Atlas, known to hold up the earth and sky upon his shoulders, has now decided to use his hands for violence instead. Borrowing inspiration from another Greek figure, Atlas has the ability to turn enemies into stone with his stony gaze and can summon a stone wall to keep things out. Or keep them in with him.

Capricorns typically hoist their goals high on their shoulders and can come off condescending if you're found being on the wrong side of their ideals. So long as you see and support their vision, you'll have an ally, so long as you can hang with their eventual cynicism.

2 Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


Gara stands proudly while holding her weapon with two hands.

There's no two ways about it. Gara is pure chaos on the field. Her armor can explode and shred anyone in its radius, while somehow protecting allies. Not only that, she can call forth mirrors to trap them inside and force them to fight mirror versions of themselves, which causes them damage. You never know what you'll get with her.

Aquarians are an enigma. You'll never know what you get with them, usually when it's too late. You can march to the beat of their drums, so long as you can keep up with their ever-changing rhythm. Stick with them, and you'll be shown the world in a whole new, strange way.

1 Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


Octavia prepares to dance to her own beat.

What is battle, but a dance of warriors? Octavia is unique in how immersive her kit can be. You can open her Mandachord and create your songs to dance and attack with in battle. She supports all allies in battle by offering boosts to their attack. She can also provide other buffs depending on what action allies are performing during her song.

Pisces are in tune with creative energies and can channel a bevy of emotions into their art due to their understanding of the spectrum of human emotions. However, because of that emotional fluidity, they can get lost in the emotions of others and lose themselves in the process.