Table of contents

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle throws plenty of collectibles your way, but none are as rewarding as finding the Medicine Bottles in its sprawling open levels. In A Remedy For All Discovery Quest, you'll track down these vital supplies, snatching them right under the noses of fascists hoarding them.

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: How To Get Adventure Points Fast

Here you'll find all the methods by which you can get Adventure Points in Indiana Jones And The Great Circle.

The hunt for 25 Medicine Bottles in Gizeh is a step up from the Vatican, giving Indy enough to unlock the tier 2 upgrades for the Moxie and Shaping Up Adventure Books. Hand them over to Dr. Kafour in the Workers Area, and you'll be able to improve Indy's stamina and health.

Solving the Cloud Atlas Mystery in the Meteorological Station rewards you with the Gizeh Medicine exploration guide, which will guide you toward every unclaimed Medicine Bottle in Gizeh.

Medicine Bottle Locations In The Gizeh Workers Area

Gizeh map marked with the Medicine Bottle locations in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

Your Gizeh adventure begins in the Workers Area, and you’ll find the first two Medicine Bottles here. However, it’s worth waiting until after you meet Nawal and grab the Digsite Outfit because you'll look out of place in your usual attire and alert the Nazi grunts.


Location Description


It's inside the first tent on the left in the restricted area. Since you won’t have the Wehrmacht Outfit this early, you'll need to sneak through a hole in the fencing and stealthily slip into the tent without tipping off the guards.


You'll find this one by the entrance to the Sphinx Temple Ruins, which are just north of the Workers Area.

Medicine Bottle Locations In The Great Sphinx

The Medicine Bottle locations near the Great Sphinx area in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

Three more Medicine Bottles can be found around the Great Sphinx area. As part of the Sanctuary of the Guardians quest, you'll visit this area while hunting for a Stele. It's the perfect chance to snag the Medicine Bottles, but if you miss them, you can always swing by later.


Location Description


In front of the Sphinx's left paw.


Head a little up ahead from the entrance to the dig site and look for a crane above. Latch onto its hook with your whip. Ascend, and you'll spot a Medicine Bottle on top of a wooden box. Build some momentum and jump over to the platform with the collectible.


Near the back of the Great Sphinx, there's an entrance to a tomb. Enter it, and you'll find the Medicine Bottle.

Medicine Bottle Locations In The Khentkawes Excavation Site

The Khentkawes Excavation Medicine Bottle locations in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

The Khentkawes Excavation area lies directly west of the Great Sphinx and holds five more Medicine Bottles waiting to be scooped up.


Location Description


Next to a zipline on the artificial elevation of giant blocks north of the Khentkawes Excavation signpost.


East of the signpost, you'll spot a truck in the distance. Check its back to find a Medicine Bottle.


Inside a tent overlooking the Tomb of Khentkawes along the road west of the Workers Area.


Follow the road west of the signpost to find it in a trench. However, some Nazis guard the area, and you'll need to deal with them before claiming the bottle.


Go southwest from the trench until you find a lone tent baking in the heat next to the entrance of a tomb. If it makes it any easier to find, it's directly east of the winding road that leads to the Mortuary Temple Ruins on the map.

Medicine Bottle Locations In The Tomb of Khentkawes

The Tomb of Khentkawes map marked with numbers in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

Directly south of the Khentkawes Excavation lies the Tomb of Khentkawes, which hides six Medicine Bottles. This area isn’t just off-limits, however, it’s crawling with guards, so slipping in unnoticed won’t be easy.

To make things simpler, grab the Wehrmacht Outfit from the guard tower that you'll come across after escaping the Nazi Compound. After donning the disguise, you’ll have a much easier time strolling past the guards and collecting the Medicine Bottles without raising alarms.


Location Description


In a tent in the water station area, which is west of the tomb.


There's a small corner in the southeastern section of the tomb. Enter it to find the bottle on a table next to a sleeping enemy.


On a table under a tent in the northeast section of the tomb. There's also a note next to it that starts the A Thief's Promise Mystery.


In the room before the flooded section while searching for the generator that powers the elevator for The Secret Of The Queen Mother Fieldwork.


Once the elevator is running, send it one level below you. After that, work your way to the uppermost level, then call the elevator. As it rises, jump on top and ride it until it comes to a stop.


South of the dig site, enter the ruins and make your way inside. You'll spot some scaffolds, and the bottle rests on one of them. You'll need to swing from one scaffold to another to reach it.

Medicine Bottle Locations In The Nazi Compound

Gizeh map marked with orange numbers from one to three in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

While progressing through the main story quest in Gizeh, you'll sneak into the Nazi Compound via a secret tunnel to infiltrate Voss's office. You can pick up four Medicine Bottles here.


Location Description


Inside Voss's bedroom in the headquarters building.


Behind the locked door on the upper floor of the detention center, where you encounter Voss. You can unlock it with the Wehrmacht Key, which you’ll also find alongside the outfit.


Enter the strategy room in the main headquarters. Toward the end, there’s another locked door that uses the same key.


East of the headquarters, there’s a small cabin. The Medicine Bottle is inside.

Medicine Bottle Locations In The Nazi Vehicle Garage And Recreational Area

The Medicine Bottle locations marked on the Gizeh map in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

The Nazi Vehicle Garage and Recreational Area are right next to each other — east of the Khafre Excavation Site and north of the Khentkawes Excavation. You'll find one Medicine Bottle in each area.


Location Description


On a desk near the Nazi Cinema in the Recreational Area.


Next to the sinks inside the sleeping barracks in the Vehicle Garage.

Medicine Bottle Locations In The Khafre Excavation Site

The map for the Khafre Dig Site marked in orange numbers in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

The last few Medicine Bottles are tucked away in the Khafre Excavation Site, west on the map, and the nearby Mortuary Temple Ruins to the south.


Location Description


Inside the mess tent, which you'll likely explore if you take on Professor Savage's A Savage Predicament Fieldwork.


Found inside a cave to the south of the dig site. It's the same cave you'll escape from after rescuing Sydney for Professor Savage.


In a small encampment facing the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. This area is initially guarded by Nazis, but later on replaced by wild dogs after completing the Idol of Ra quest.

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: Khmer Cogwheels Location Guide

The Khmer Cogwheel puzzles in Sukhothai hide several of Indiana Jones And The Great Circle's late-game Ancient Relics.