- Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut has been delisted in countries without PSN access.
- This is despite Sony reversing the decision to make PSN mandatory to play Helldivers 2.
- PSN is only needed for the multiplayer in Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut.
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut appears to have been delisted in countries that can't access the PlayStation Network. This comes after Helldivers 2 was controversially set to force PC players to link with a PSN account to continue playing, a move that Sony eventually reversed after it was met with intense backlash and review bombing.
Despite this backlash, Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut will still have this requirement for its multiplayer offerings. While developer Sucker Punch reassures players that they won't need a PSN account to play the game in single-player, a recent update to its Steam page indicates that countries without PSN won't get access to the game at all.
Ghost Of Tsushima Director's Cut Restricted In More Than 150 Countries
This development was spotted by SteamDB, which keeps track of updates made to store pages on the platform. Here, we can see that Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut won't be available for purchase in 179 regions. Helldivers 2 was restricted in this exact way after the PSN requirements were revealed, and as noted above, it's still delisted in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, although it's unclear why.
However, according to Sucker Punch, those who live in countries that do have PSN will only have to link their accounts if they want to access the multiplayer. The single-player offerings should work just fine, although this just makes the decision to remove the game from so many other countries all the more unexpected.
The launch of the Director's Cut will be the first time that Ghost of Tsushima has been available to play outside of PlayStation.
The move has once again angered PC players, who were already frustrated after the debacle with Helldivers 2. When announcing that it would remove PSN requirements from Helldivers 2, Sony said that it is "learning what is best for PC players" and that the "feedback has been invaluable". However, just days later, Sony is seemingly persevering with PSN requirements in Ghost of Tsushima, so much so that the long-awaited PC port cannot be released in countries without it.
Sony and Sucker Punch are yet to comment on this development. In the meantime, Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut is set to launch on May 16. It remains to be seen if this move is reversed before then, or if those living in countries without PSN won't be able to access the game via Steam.

Helldivers 2 Is A Ball That PlayStation Can't Afford To Fumble
If Sony wants to pursue a future in live service games, it can't make mistakes with Helldivers 2.