The Flask of Wondrous Physick
has a wide range of unique effects that can help you out tremendously in the white-knuckling combat present in Elden Ring. You can apply these effects to the flask by resting at a Site of Grace and mixing a combination of Crystal Tears that can restore your health whenever you're close to dying, boost your attacks, or even cause you to explode, and so much more.

Elden Ring: All Larval Tear Locations
Bosses turning into NPCs and allowing you to change your stats as long as you give them a microscopic fetus? It's more likely than you think.
While the Flask of Wondrous Physick won't give you a significant advantage in most situations, it will still help you out quite a bit and will be something you want to invest in heavily. Finding every Tear and finding the perfect combination of them can provide a much greater benefit than one might think.
Updated October 2, 2023, by Seth Parmer: With a staggering 29 Crystal Tears spread far and wide throughout the Lands Between, we decided to revisit this guide to add some much-needed quality-of-life tweaks to it, making it easier to navigate and find the one you're looking for!
All Crystal Tears Location Quicklinks
Crystal Tears are found throughout all of the Lands Between, typically by defeating a mini-boss guarding Minor Erdtrees, but are also found in various other places. Below is every Crystal Tear in Elden Ring, along with how to obtain each of them!
Crystal Tear Quicklinks
Types |
Names |
Cerulean |
Crimson |
Green |
Knot |
Opaline |
Shrouding |
Misc. |
What Are Crystal Tears And How To Use Them
Crystal Tears are upgrade materials found throughout the Lands Between for the Flask of Wondrous Physick. There are several types of Crystal Tears, with some replenishing half of your health, increasing elemental damage, and much more.
You can combine two different Crystal Tears into the Flask of Wondrous Physick, allowing for a wide range of combinations and uses. To apply Crystal Tears to your Flask of Wondrous Physick, rest at a Site of Grace and navigate to the Flask of Wondrous Physick menu.
From there, you will see every Crystal Tear you currently have and can mix and match them to your heart's content. You can mess around with many fascinating concoctions to create something that will help elevate your playstyle.
Cerulean Crystal Tear
Effect |
Restores half of the users' FP. |
Location 1 |
Obtained after defeating the Erdtree Avatar found in the southwest of Liurnia of the Lakes. Head north from the Converted Tower for the easiest route. |
Location 2 |
Dropped from the Erdtree Avatar in the eastern part of Mountaintops of the Giants. Head across the bridge next to the Snow Valley Ruins Overlook Site of Grace to begin this encounter. |
Cerulean Hidden Tear
Effect |
Temporarily negates all FP consumption. |
Location |
Dropped by the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in Mt. Gelmir. Head south from the Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite Site of Grace to quickly find the Minor Erdtree. |
Crimson Crystal Tear
Effect |
Restores half of the users' health. |
Location 1 |
Found in front of a statue in the Third Church of Marika. Follow the road leading to the northeast from the Mistwood Outskirts Site of Grace to find the church. |
Location 2 |
Found underneath a Minor Erdtree on an altar in the Capital Outskirts. Head east from the Hermit Merchant's Shack Site of Grace to reach the Minor Erdtree. Also, be prepared as a few enemies are standing guard. |
Crimson Bubbletear
Effect |
Restores users' health when they're near death. |
Location |
Obtained after defeating an Erdtree Avatar in the eastern part of Mountaintops of the Giants. Head to the North Valley Ruins Overlook Site of Grace and cross the bridge directly next to it to reach the Minor Erdtree. |
Crimsonburst Crystal Tear
Effect |
Slowly regenerates health over a period of time. |
Location |
Dropped by an Erdtree Avatar found in the Weeping Peninsula. Follow the road west of the South of the Lookout Tower Site of Grace to find the Minor Erdtree. |
Crimsonspill Crystal Tear
Effect |
Raises users' maximum health pool. |
Location |
Obtained after defeating Wormface in the Altus Plateau. From the Windmill Village Site of Grace, follow the road southwest to find the Minor Erdtree and Wormface. |
Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear
Effect |
The damage the user receives gets converted into health. |
Location |
Found in the Mountaintops of the Giants on a cliffside south of the Giants' Gravepost Site of Grace. Head to the Foot of the Forge Site of Grace, then head northeast until you see a pathway at the edge of the cliff. Follow the path to obtain the Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear. However, be very aware of Spider Hands. |
Dexterity-knot Crystal Tear
Effect |
Raises users' maximum Dexterity. |
Location |
Found on a small island in Liurnia of the Lakes. Head to the Boilprawn Shack Site of Grace, then head to the small island located just southwest of it on your map to find the Crystal Tear. |
Faith-knot Crystal Tear
Effect |
Raises users' maximum Faith. |
Location |
Found in a bowl north of the Demi-Human Forest Ruins and east of the Church of Pilgrimage. Look for a group of poisonous flower enemies down a cliffside to find the Crystal Tear. |
Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Effect |
Raises damage output of Fire Attacks. |
Location |
Dropped by an Erdtree Avatar found in Caelid. Follow the road north from the Smoldering Wall Site of Grace to reach the Minor Erdtree. |
Greenburst Crystal Tear
Effect |
Increases speed of Stamina recovery. |
Location |
Obtained by defeating an Erdtree Avatar in Caelid. From the Smoldering Wall Site of Grace, follow the road north until you reach the Minor Erdtree. |
Greenspill Crystal Tear
Effect |
Raises users' maximum Stamina. |
Location |
Found underneath a Minor Erdtree on an alter in Mistwood. Follow the road that leads southeast from the Mistwood Outskirts Site of Grace to find the Minor Erdtree. |
Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Effect |
Raises damage output of Holy Attacks. |
Location |
Obtained by defeating an Erdtree Avatar found in the northeastern part of Liurnia of the Lakes. Head east from the Mausoleum Compound Site of Grace to find the Minor Erdtree. |
Intelligence-knot Crystal Tear
Effect |
Raises users' maximum Intelligence |
Location |
Found in a bowl in the northwest region of Liurnia of the Lakes. Head to the Road to the Manor Site of Grace, then head down the slope located to the southeast. From there, head back north to find the Crystal Tear. |
Leaden Hardtear
Effect |
Raises users' maximum Poise. |
Location |
Obtained by defeating the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in Mt. Gelmir. From the Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite Site of Grace, head south to quickly find the Minor Erdtree. |
Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Effect |
Raises damage output of Lightning Attacks. |
Location |
Dropped by an Erdtree Avatar found in the northeastern part of Liurnia of the Lakes. From the Mausoleum Compound Site of Grace, head east to find the Minor Erdtree. |
Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Effect |
Raises damage output of Magic Attacks. |
Location |
Obtained by defeating an Erdtree Avatar located in the northeastern part of Liurnia of the Lakes. Head east from the Mausoleum Compound Site of Grace to find the Minor Erdtree. |
Opaline Bubbletear
Effect |
Decreases damage received from the next strike significantly. |
Location |
Obtained by defeating an Erdtree Avatar found in the Weeping Peninsula. Follow the road west of the South of the Lookout Tower Site of Grace to find the Minor Erdtree. |
Opaline Hardtear
Effect |
Increases damage negation. |
Location |
Obtained by defeating an Erdtree Avatar in Caelid. Follow the road north of the Smoldering Wall Site of Grace until you reach the Minor Erdtree. |
Purifying Crystal Tear
Effect |
Cleanses the user of the Lord of Blood's Curse. |
Location |
Obtained after defeating the invader Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger at the Second Church of Marika. Head northwest from the Altus Highway Junction Site of Grace to find the church. |
Ruptured Crystal Tear
Effect |
Causes an explosion a few moments after consumption. |
Location 1 |
Dropped by an Erdtree Avatar located in the southwest of Liurnia of the Lakes. From the Converted Tower Site of Grace, head north to reach the Minor Erdtree. |
Location 2 |
Obtained by defeating the Putrid Avatar in the eastern region of the Consecrated Snowfield. Head southeast from the Ordina, Liturgical Town Site of Grace to find the Minor Erdtree. |
Speckled Hardtear
Effect |
Clears ailments and boosts all resistances. |
Location |
Dropped by Wormface in the Altus Plateau. Follow the road southwest from the Windmill Village Site of Grace to find the Minor Erdtree and Wormface. |
Spiked Cracked Tear
Effect |
Increases damage output from charged attacks. |
Location |
Found underneath a Minor Erdtree on an alter in Mistwood. From the Mistwood Outskirts Site of Grace, follow the road that leads southeast to find the Minor Erdtree. |
Stonebarb Cracked Tear
Effect |
Increases chance of staggering enemies. |
Location |
Dropped by the Erdtree Avatar in Caelid. From the Smoldering Wall Site of Grace, follow the road north until you reach the Minor Erdtree. |
Strength-knot Crystal Tear
Effect |
Raises users' maximum Strength. |
Location |
Found by heading northeast from the Stormhill Shack Site of Grace until you reach a cliffside. The Crystal Tear will be in a stone dish. |
Thorny Cracked Tear
Effect |
Increases damage output of consecutive attacks. |
Location |
Dropped by the Putrid Avatar in the eastern region of the Consecrated Snowfield. From the Ordina, Liturgical Town Site of Grace, head southeast to find the Minor Erdtree. |
Twiggy Cracked Tear
Effect |
Negates the loss of Runes when dying. |
Location |
Found underneath a Minor Erdtree on an altar in the Capital Outskirts. From the Hermit Merchant's Shack Site of Grace, head east to reach the Minor Erdtree. There will also be a few enemies guarding the area, so be ready for them. |
Windy Crystal Tear
Effect |
Increases the effectiveness of dodge rolls. |
Location |
Found in a large pit in Caelid, southeast from the Map Fragment and Nomadic Merchant. |
Winged Crystal Tear
Effect |
Increases maximum equip load. |
Location |
Found in the Capital Outskirts on an altar. Head east from the Hermit Merchant's Shack, past several Skeleton Snails, to find the Crystal Tear. |

With worldbuilding from Game of Thrones scribe George R.R. Martin and developed by FromSoftware, Elden Ring is a masterpiece in what has become known as the 'Soulslike' genre of action role-playing games.
- Platform(s)
- PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X
- Released
- February 25, 2022
- Developer(s)
- From Software

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