Is it Half-Life's omnipresent authority?? Or perhaps Shadowrun's world of corporations supplanting nations?? Which gaming dystopia has the starkest warning?
Billy and Rebecca's nightmare journey is a weird one, but then again, so is the rest of the series.? I'd probably have it somewhere near the bottom, not because I don't like it per se, but because I generally prefer the over-the-shoulder and first-person games to the old-style titles.? If it's true that there's a remake on the way, it could be great!
Baten Kaitos has the kind of betrayal that can only work once, ever.
I hope the entry maintains the same look and feel as the previous ones in the franchise. Anything you're particularly hoping for?
Do you go for Halsin or Shadowheart? Or someone else?
April 24th.?April 24th!?It's almost upon us, and it's coming to Xbox, PC,?and?PS5!
Turn-based. Gorgeous. World map. Compelling cast and plot hook. Um... I just went from interested to excruciatingly interested.
MGS3's wins by a country mile, IMO, but that's not to disparage any of the other fan faves. Shadow Moses is still my #2. I was honestly quite impressed with the South America stretch of MGS4, and for all my qualms with that game, both of MGS5's main locales were great.
As much as I enjoy expansions, I'm kind of thinking this might be the case. Civilization 6 did its "obligatory" two big expansions, but then it followed up on them with what proved to be a steadier stream of downloadable content than many of us had foreseen.
Season passes, that seems like one of the big ways forward, yeah? With no cut-off date, of course; locking content behind limited-time windows would be an absolute nightmare for Civ. But yeah... Frontier Pass, Leader Pass... that stuff.
Do you reckon we will, in fact, still get expansions first? I certainly hope so. I'm just not bankin' on it at all.
So, some games just feel perfect for a console. For me, UFO 50 is literally the best game to buy for the Steam Deck, as it gives you a whole roster of awesome indie games to mess around with. What game would you recommend people grab for their Steam Deck?
So, you probably know the name Castlevania X: Rondo of Blood, which is almost certainly the most popular PC-Engine exclusive overseas, but do you know about the?Far East Of Eden (also known as Tengai Makyo) games, which feature the best-selling game on the console?
These JRPGs are set in a fictional version of Japan. But here's the twist, it is a version of Japan based on how Japan is viewed by the West, giving it a unique, over-the-top appeal. Unfortunately, despite being popular in Japan, the series never made it to the west.?
Have you heard of these games? Would you be interested in playing a translated collection of the Far East of Eden series??
It feels like they've taken a pretty dramatic approach to balancing the roster. While Storm was most certainly too weak in the previous build, she's sure as hell not weak now. How do you feel about this patch?
Killing gods in video games is remarkably common. Is your favorite example of god slaying something out of a God of War game? Is it one of the final boss battles in an RPG? Which fight against a god stands out most to you?
Agent 47 is the easy choice, but Final Fantasy 7's Turks, particularly Elena, really pull off the suit-and-tie secret agent look.
I've never been one to care too much about graphics, but the first game to really make me sit up and take notice was Wind Waker.? I've been a big fan of cel shading ever since.
I'd assumed the answer would be an emphatic yes among most who have played the games, but then someone told me otherwise...
Some friends of mine are helping to build Lordbound, a fantastic-looking upcoming mod. What are some of your faves, either underrated current gems or upcoming classics-in-the-making?
It's gotta be Yosuke for me. He's the only one who actively ticks me off, and he's responsible for a solid two-thirds of his game's more problematic elements.
I'm a big Persona fan now, but I'd been playing Shin Megami Tensei games for years before I ever gave the spinoff franchise the time of day.
The?Saturday Night Slam Masters games are a unique mixture of fighting game and wrestling game. Nothing else feels quite like them. They also feature Final Fight's Haggar! Have you played with game in the franchise??
The Ganbare Goemon (also known as Mystical Ninja) franchise is interesting in that it is classic, has been featured on many consoles, features well-made games, and is seemingly never talked about? I know that every time I play one I am blown away by how great they are, yet I don't think of them enough. Where do you rank them in your head and heart? Is this a series that you are big on?